October 21st 2013 VENUE: New-York Historical Society |
The American Slavery Project and terraNOVA Collective proudly present
UNHEARD VOICES The American Slavery Project commissioned several African American Writers to examine the 419 graves of the anonymous black men, women and children slaves, free men and indenture servants who lived in colonial New York and are buried at the African Burial Ground. The writers imagined their lives. These are their UNHEARD VOICES. Concieved by JUDY TATE Written by THE AMERICAN SLAVERY PROJECT WRITERS' COLLECTIVE Directed by MELISSA MAXWELL Featuring Larry Floyd, Lynnette Freeman, Devin Haqq, and Melissa Murray-Mutch. With percussion by Baba Don Eaton, vocals by Joyce Adewumi and members of the New York African Ensemble. Monday, October 21st UNHEARD VOICES will be followed by a post-show conversation with members of the American Slavery Project Collective and you! New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West at Richard Gilder Way, New York, NY 10024 For further information on UNHEARD VOICES by the AMERICAN SLAVERY PROJECT, visit |